Meeting of Italian Network of «SISTER PROJECTS»
Since 2010, the European Commission funded some European Projects, the so called Sister Project, in the Framework Program “Science in Society” with the aim of promoting structural changes in the Academic Institutions from a gender point of view.
The GenderTime EU Project, where the acronym Time stands for Transferring Implementing Monitoring Equality, is one of the so-called Sister Projects.
December 11st 2015 9.00-13.00
Aula Magna, Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell’Informazione, DEI
University of Padova
9.00-9.15 Welcome addresses
S. Zampieri, DEI
A. Oboe, Vice Rector for Cultural, Social and Gender Relations
9.15-9.35 F.A. Lisi, Dept. of Computer Science, Bari, Discovering ADA, the enchantress of numbers (pdf)
9.35-11.00 S. Badaloni, University of Padova, Presentation of Sister Projects (pdf)
O. Mich and T. Arrigoni, FBK, Trento, FESTA (pdf)
R. Bozzon, University of Trento, GARCIA (pdf)
C. Brandi, IRPPS-CNR Rome, GENERA (pdf)
M. Paciello, INFN Rome, GENISLAB (pdf)
A. Liccardo, University of Naples, GENOVATE (pdf)
S. Cervia, University of Pisa, TRIGGER (pdf)
G. Declich, ASDO Rome, TRIGGER (pdf)
S. Badaloni and L. Perini, University of Padova, GENDERTIME (pdf)
T. Gallina Toschi, University of Bologna, PLOTINA (pdf)
11.15-13.00 Panel of discussion: which perspectives in the future for the network of Sister Projects
— Organizing Committee —
Silvana Badaloni and Lorenza Perini
(UNIPD Gendertime team)